AVOCADO BRUSCHETTA - Dishes Food - Tips Food Recipes
Sátisfying ávocádo bruschettá perfect for snácking or bringing to get-togethers. This ávocádo bruschettá cán be máde up to 24 hours in ádvánce without turning brown. Whát á delicious Itálián twist on ávocádo toást!
- 1 loáf rustic breád or báguette, sliced 1/2 inch thick
- 1/4 cup extrá virgin olive oil, divided
- 1 clove gárlic, peeled
- 1 clove gárlic, finely minced or crushed
- 1 Romá tomáto, diced or 1/2 cup quártered cherry tomátoes
- 1 lárge ávocádo, peeled, seeded ánd diced
- 1 táblespoon white bálsámic vinegár
- 1/4 teáspoon seá sált
- 1/4 cup sliced básil
- 1 Persián cucumber, diced (optionál)
- Preheát the broiler. Pláce the breád slices on á cookie sheet ánd brush with á little olive oil. Toást until golden brown. Slice one gárlic clove in hálf ánd rub over the wárm toást.
- Full Instructions See ...... yummymummykitchen.com
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