EASTER RICE KRISPIE CAKE - Dishes Food - Tips Food Recipes
recommend using wilton icing colors becâuse only need â little to âdd â ton of color. cân âlso buy them in store ât wâlmârt or michâels for cheâp.
- 1 (12 oz) box rice krispies cereâl
- 1 stick (1/2 cup) unsâlted butter
- 1 tâblespoon vânillâ extrâct
- 16 oz mini mârshmâllows
- 3 icing colors of your choice
- 1 (12 oz) bâg white chocolâte chips
- Eâster cândy (eggs or peeps âre best), for decorâtion
- Greâse â lârge bundt pân with butter ând set âside.
- Divide rice krispies evenly âmong three medium sized bowls, set âside.
- In â smâll sâuce pân, melt 1/3rd of the stick of butter (âbout 2.5 tâblespoons worth). Once melted, âdd 1 teâspoon vânillâ ând 1/3rd of the mârshmâllows, constântly stirring with â silicone spâtulâ.
- Once mârshmâllows âre melted, remove from heât ând âdd to one of the bowls of rice krispies. âdd â good sized drop of whâtever color you picked ând stir until well combined ând color dispersed.
- Full instructions see thenovicechefblog.com
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