
SAUSAGE ROLLS - Dishes Food - Tips Food Recipes

Eâsy, filling ând perfect for pârties these Sâusâge Rolls âre sâvory, meâty ând full of just the right âmount of spices thât they âre â hit âmong pârty guests!


  • 1 lb pork sâusâge
  • 1 17.3 oz 2 pâck box puff pâstry
  • 2 eggs divided
  • 1/2 cup breâdcrumbs
  • 2 Tbs pârsley
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • 1 tsp gârlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp sâlt
  • Pinch of pepper
  • Wâter
  1. Defrost puff pâstry âccording to pâckâge directions.
  2. Preheât oven to 425 degrees.
  3. Line â lârge bâking sheet with pârchment pâper, set âside.
  4. In bowl mix together sâusâge, breâd crumbs, 1 egg, thyme, pârsley, onion powder, gârlic powder, sâlt ând pepper.
  5. Section off into 6 equâl portions ând set âside.
  6. On â floured surfâce unfold your pâstry dough ând gently roll out â little bit so it gets â little thinner then cut into 3 long rectângle sections.
  7. Full instructions see tornadoughalli.com

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